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Classic Dill Pickle Recipe: About the Merchant

2 Cups 5% apple cider vinegar
4 Cups water
2 tsp. Alum
6 Cloves garlic
3 Qt. Cucumbers
Dill weed
4 Tbsp.canning salt
Grape leaves

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Place grape leaf in bottom of each jar. Pack in cucumbers with head of dill weed and 2 cloves of garlic.

Cover cucumbers with another grape leaf. Combine apple cider vinegar, water, salt, and alum and bring to a boil. Boil 5 minutes, pour liquid over packed cucumbers and seal jars with canning lids.

Immerse filled pickle jars into boiling water. Water level should be 1" above lids, boil steadily 20 minutes. Cool on stove top to bring them down to room temperature.

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